Dr. Behrmann

1172 East 100 North, #2, Payson, UT 84651


For appointments

please call our office


Mon-Thurs 8am-6pm

  Emergent care Fridays  9am-2pm

ADHD Parent Assessment - Spanish

ADHD Parent Assessment

ADHD Teacher Assessment - Spanish

ADHD Teacher Assessment

Authorization to Use and Disclose Protected Health Information

Authorization to Use and Disclose Protected Health Information-Spanish

Financial Policy - Spanish

Financial Policy

Notice of Privacy Practices - Spanish

Notice of Privacy Practices

Patient Information Sheet

Vaccine Consent Form

PDF Forms: Please “Click” on a form to download, then print out, fill out

and bring it. No waiting in the office! Questions? Give us a call: 801-465-4877

Contact Information:

Mailing Address:  1172 E. 100 N., #2, Payson, UT 84651

Phone Number: 801-465-4877

Fax: 801-465-4879

Email:  gbmd4877@yahoo.com

Facebook:  Click Here  (You will need to log in to your account)